Take Action
Tell the DC Government to Stop Evicting Migrant Families!
As hypothermia season approaches, the Office of Migrant Services (OMS) is evicting migrant families from their hotel shelters. Most of them report not being given any formal written notice telling them that they are being evicted and why. If families refuse to leave, OMS calls the police…

Tell the DC Council to Support the Immigrant Justice Platform Budget Priorities!
The DC Immigrant Justice Platform comprises multiple legislative and budget priorities that are essential to the well-being of DC’s many immigrant communities.
Join us in asking the DC Council to fund the platform in full!

Tell Mayor Bowser & the DC Government to Provide Emergency Shelter to Unhoused Migrant Families!
Last week, the Office of Migrant Services (OMS) ran out of space at the shelters where they are housing migrant families. According to the Department of Human Services (DHS), no shelter will be available for the foreseeable future and currently the DC government has no plans to open up more shelter space. Over 15 families have been denied shelter in the past week! DC cannot allow these families to go without shelter!
Take a minute to email Mayor Bowser, Deputy Mayor Turnage, and City Administrator Donahue to ask that they use contingency funds to shelter these families! Our demand is simple — no kids sleeping on the streets.

Show Love to Immigrants this Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day! Celebrate by asking the DC Council to support the DC Immigrant Justice Platform! The DC Immigrant Justice Platform is a united effort by immigrants and immigrants’ rights groups to champion several local policy initiatives that would benefit DC’s immigrant community.

Say NO to Exclusions Based on Immigration Status
Today, the DC Council Committee on Human Services is having a hearing on the permanent Migrant Services and Supports Act. This bill is meant to support migrants bused to DC from Texas and Arizona, but in reality it is a deeply harmful bill that will have broad impacts on the DC immigrant community. Title I of the bill creates an Office of Migrant Services (OMS), under the Department of Human Services (DHS), and defines its function that includes greeting buses, helping people move on to their final destination, and providing temporary shelter and services. However, what is glaringly missing from OMS’ mandate is any long-term support for migrants who choose to settle in DC, thereby feeding into the narrative that Mayor Bowser has used since day one that no one is actually staying in the District.
The Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network fundamentally opposes excluding people from accessing homeless services and from establishing residency in DC based on immigration status and national origin. Tell the Members of the Committee on Human Services and tell them not to exclude migrants from accessing homeless services in DC!

UPDATE: Ask DC Council to Support CM Pinto’s Amendment to the Migrant Services and Supports Emergency Act
Councilmember Pinto is introducing amendments to the Migrant Services and Supports Emergency Act that will REMOVE the portions of the bill that bar access to services based on immigration status! The amendments will also narrow Mayor Bowser’s control over eligibility for OMS services and prioritize non-congregate housing for families with children.
We are asking council members to vote YES on Councilmember Pinto’s amendments to the Migrant Services and Supports Emergency Act

Ask the DC Council Vote No on the Harmful Migrant Services and Supports Emergency Act Now!
Tell your Councilmembers to vote NO on the emergency legislation until changes are made to the bill. In its current form, the legislation bars all asylum seekers and other migrants from accessing DHS services AND denies all asylum seekers residency in the District. Take 5 minutes to call, email, and tweet at DC councilmembers and demand that they vote NO!

Demand that Mayor Bowser Support Migrants Being Bused to DC
Since April 13th, Governor Greg Abbott has been busing asylum seekers from the Texas border to DC as part of a racist publicity stunt. In May, Governor Ducey joined in and started busing people from Arizona too. Since then close to 4,000 migrants from Texas and over 1,000 from Arizona have arrived in DC. For over three months, DMV organizers and volunteers showed up every single day to support our new neighbors with NO support from the DC government. Last week, mutual aid organizers took two days off to rest, quarantine due to COVID exposure, and protest government inaction. Unfortunately, without mutual aid, many of the migrants, including families with children, were left stranded at Union Station until we were able to return.
In response to the letter and media attention, Bowser went on TV and said she doesn't think it is DC’s responsibility to support these migrants, a sentiment that stands in stark contrast to DC’s status as a sanctuary city. She also claimed that DC taxpayers have not picked up the tab for this at all— but mutual aid has spent over $280k since April, donated by DC residents, who pay taxes. It's the DC government who has yet to contribute. Join us and take five minutes today to call, email, and tweet at Mayor Bowser to demand that she step up and support our new neighbors NOW! Also, volunteer and donate here.

If We Can’t Sleep Then They Can’t: Demand that the DC Government Support Migrants Being Bused to DC
Since April 13th, Governor Greg Abbott has been busing asylum seekers from the Texas border to DC as part of a racist publicity stunt. Buses drop migrants off at Union Station six days a week anywhere between 6 AM in the morning and 10 PM at night. Migrants often arrive with only the clothes they’re wearing and with no way to get to friends and family or money for housing. For 12 weeks, DMV organizers and volunteers have been showing up every single day to support our new neighbors with ZERO support from the DC government. So far we have welcomed 100+ buses each carrying 30 to 60 people each, around 3,000 people in total.
There are three coming buses tonight, we ask you to join us in calling the DC government upon arrival of each bus tonight. Scripts will be updated in real time to reflect what's happening on the ground. If we can't sleep, they can't either.

Demand that the DC Government Support Migrants Being Bused to DC
Since April 13th, Governor Greg Abbott has been busing asylum seekers from the Texas border to DC as part of a racist publicity stunt. Buses drop migrants off at Union Station six days a week anywhere between 6 AM in the morning and 10 PM at night. Migrants often arrive with only the clothes they’re wearing and with no way to get to friends and family or money for housing. For 12 weeks, DMV organizers and volunteers have been showing up every single day to support our new neighbors with ZERO support from the DC government. So far we have welcomed 100+ buses each carrying 30 to 60 people each, around 3,000 people in total.
Since day one, the DC government has abdicated their responsibility to support newly arrived migrants. Take 5 minutes to call, email, and tweet at DC councilmembers and demand that they take action now!