News + Updates
Immigrant Justice Platform Relaunches!
The Immigrant Justice Platform (IJP) is a collective of immigrants and immigrant rights groups who came together to advocate for a shared platform of policy and budget priorities that directly benefit the DC immigrant community and change the systems by disrupting the status quo.
DC Immigrant Justice Platform: Reflecting on Our First Six Months
In January, DC immigrants and immigrant justice organizers came together to create a shared platform of legislative and budget priorities that benefit DC’s immigrant communities — thus the Immigrant Justice Platform (IJP) was born! Over the course of the spring we advocated together for the platform. We celebrated many victories and even expanded the platform to include more legislative and budget goals!
Bowser and the Department of Human Services Block IDs for Migrants Emergency Bill by Claiming Fiscal Impact
On Tuesday, July 11th, the DC Council was to vote on the Limited Purpose Credential Clarification Emergency Amendment Act, introduced by Councilmember Allen. This bill would have allowed migrants who were bused to the District to obtain DC IDs and driver’s licenses. Unfortunately, Mayor Bowser and the Dept of Human Services blocked the bill by claiming a ludicrous fiscal impact.
Migrants and Advocates Rally at Wilson Building to Demand Shelter for Unsheltered Migrant Families
Recently arrived migrants and advocates gathered outside the Wilson Building on July 7th to demand that Mayor Bowser provide shelter to migrant families sleeping on the streets and in cars in DC.
Letter | DC Organizations Call on Council to Reform Limited Purpose Credential Law
We, the undersigned organizations, are writing to advocate for changes to Limited Purpose Credential (LPC) Law in DC to make LPCs more accessible to the communities it was designed to serve and to other communities who will benefit from them.
Migrants, Advocates Testify to Stop Migrant Exclusion from DC Homeless and Social Services
On Thursday, October 20th, over 60 migrants and advocates testified in opposition to the Migrant Services and Supports Act as it stands. They made clear that though this bill is meant to support migrants bused to DC from Texas and Arizona, in reality it is deeply harmful and will have broad impacts on immigrants and refugees in DC. Title I of the bill creates the Office of Migrant Services (OMS). Glaringly missing from OMS’ mandate is any long-term support for migrants who choose to settle in DC. The migrants who testified on Thursday made it clear that they are not looking for special treatment — just the support and services they’re legally entitled to. In their testimony, many migrants highlighted the urgent need for housing and medical care, in addition to identification and documents to prove residency in the district.
Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network Condemns the Passing of the Migrant Services and Supports Emergency Act, As It Excludes People from Homeless Services Based on Immigration Status
On Tuesday, Mayor Bowser’s Migrant Services and Supports Emergency Act passed in the council, along with minor amendments introduced by Councilmember Nadeau. This legislation will create the Office of Migrant Services (OMS). Which, despite being housed under the Department of Human Services (DHS), will have an entirely “separate stream” of services for newly arrived asylum-seekers, but details of said services are minimal in the legislation and absent for migrants who remain in the district longer than thirty days. Additionally, Title II of the legislation passed this week includes provisions that specifically exclude migrants from accessing DC’s homeless services by amending the Homeless Services Reform Act (HSRA). “The Migrant Services and Supports Act reads like a bill introduced in May, not a bill written after five months of buses arriving in DC,” said Alejandra S. Sky, an organizer with the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network.